Every gal needs her girlfriends! And of course it needs to be a fabulous setting of hot pinks and golds! By finding a few affordable products at Target, Michaels and online stores, and lots of easy crafting, I created a girly Kate Spade inspired bachelorette party!

I found the bow plates online at Shop Sweet Lulu and the wooden cutlery at Zurchers.

The bow paper punch was a key piece to the overall design. I made lots of pink and gold paper bows and used them everywhere. Glued them to lollipop sticks for instant cupcake toppers. Learn how easy it is to make toppers here.

They were also glued to black and white paper straws found at Target and simple black and white name cards found at Michaels. The floral plates and napkins were from Target and were gorgeous!

Here’s how I styled the party products at my friends house. First of all, everyone needs a gold sequin table runner right now! You can get them at Just Artifacts for less than $10. LESS than $10! Go! Get one now! Just Artifacts has been my little secret for years! Super cute products at unbelievably low prices!

Michaels has gold glitter letters. I used a small hole punch and strung with twine. I made the tassel garland from tissue paper sold at Target!

Tip: Place cupcakes on a tray of colorful candy to brighten up your party!

Push pops! You can do so much with these cute things! I always have a couple boxes on hand for future parties. In addition to cake and frosting, you can put brownies in them, candy, confetti or, like I did here, cotton candy! Jazz it up by hot glueing sparkly ribbon around it!

I hope you enjoyed this girly party!

Justin Gurnari photographed my work on the first 4 photos of this page.

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