My daughter and I had an impromptu play date party together and because she takes after me, and loves decorating, we set up a little space for ourselves and decorated from what we had on hand! We made boo bark together, then sat at our lil table to enjoy it! Hope you get some ideas for your own little Halloween celebration!
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Setting up for this was just as fun as sitting at the table and enjoying it! We grabbed our mini tables, pillows, Halloween decor from around the house and added our bats to the wall!

Has anyone made boo bark before?! It’s so easy! Melt chocolate or white chocolate and spread it out on wax paper. Add candies, sprinkles, pretzels, googley eyes, crushed cookies – really anything! Once it hardens, break it into chunks to serve! You can also add nuts, but my girl has an allergy, so we leave those out. I added edible glitter, because, well, we’re fancy like that. HaHa!

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