This was probably one of my favorite parties to date! When my sister in law Johnna announced she was pregnant, my (only child) daughter Ellie was beyond ecstatic! Ellie has been dying for another little one to play with in the family! I don't have a sister and most of my friends have moved out of … [Read more...]
Rustic Farmhouse Baby Shower
I have a group of close girlfriends, and over the recent years, most of them have moved away. Some for family, some for jobs, but we've all stayed very close. We try to do a girls trip once a year, which is always so needed! It's the best! Our friend Amanda is expecting a baby girl, so we thought … [Read more...]
Lil Man Brunch Sprinkle Baby Shower
This adorable sprinkle shower was given by myself and my good friend Caitlin of Cafe Everyday Sunday to our friends Jamie and Brad for their second boy 4 years ago! Time flies! We went with a Lil Man Ties and Mustaches theme and all of the brunch staples. For decor, we strung onsies and paper neck … [Read more...]